Clipart Critters 503 – Headshot Zombie


Ah, zombies! Those staples of pretty much every modern horror game. Headshots are usually a good way to put a stop to them, but it doesn’t seem to be slowing this particular member of the post-living crowd down much! A perfect spot illo to errr..liven? up your next horror publication!

SKU: CAC503 Category:


Ah, zombies! Those staples of pretty much every modern horror game. Headshots are usually a good way to put a stop to them, but it doesn’t seem to be slowing this particular member of the post-living crowd down much! A perfect spot illo to errr..liven? up your next horror publication!

Subject to the included license information. Printed size will be up to 2864 x 2864 pixels (4.8″ wide by 4.8″ tall) as a 600 ppi layered TIFF. Included is a lo-rez version for easy online advertising.


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